Tickets Fixed 1.6.1 – Ticket Opened: 2 Emails for Ticket Owner Redundance


There are two EMails send to a ticket owner if a ticket starter opens a ticket for a user:
  1. A support ticket has now been opened for you and you will be notified when a response is made by email.

    Ticket ID: 152
    Subject: Another Ticket Test (Ignore it)
    Category: General Inquiry
    Priority: Medium
    Status: Open
  2. [Username of Owner],
    [Username of staff] replied to a ticket you are watching at [website].
    [Ticket Content]
The 2nd Email is only helpful for future replies (if he watches it). I would either skip it or make a new variant that actually says
[Username of Owner],
[Username of staff] opened a new ticket for you at [website] with the following content.
[Ticket Content]