Tickets Lock account until ticket is resolved

If a user registers or misbehaves in a certain manner then it can be needed to suspend the member until the issue is resolved. There are many examples of this:
  • member claims to be representing and organisation or to be a famous person
  • member claims to be a doctor, lawyer, or other professional and gives out advise as such
  • member wants to promote his products on the site. This could be a spammer or an advertiser.
  • Member needs to change his name to something not offensive.
  • Behavior needs to be addressed without warnings or before warnings can be given.
  • Duplicate Account concerns.
  • other concerns
In such case we want to open a support ticket for the member and we do not want to allow the member to do be able to do anything else until the ticket is resolved.

My suggestion is:
When opening a ticket for a member, add a tickbox 'lock account'
In admincp define a usergroup for this. The admin can set all permissions to NEVER for this group. The admin can also add a notice informing the member of the need to answer the ticket to unlock the account.
The member is added to this usergroup.
When the ticket is resolved, the account is unlocked and the usergroup is no longer applied.
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