Calendar More Event Share Options + Copy Button

Stolen from Nobita's Groups...

For Events it would be
  1. Share Event Page URL
  2. Share Event Page with BBCode
  3. Share Event Page with BBCode Event Cover Thumbnail (just the image as link, no text)


The copy button is great for mobile users.
Upvote 3
Yeah. Once you have that on your site, a basic field where mobile users can try their luck to attempt to copy the text will result in complaints. The copy button is just so much more friendly.
Am I mistaken in thinking you only want a copy button and not more share options? Since I have the similar share options just without the copy button.

Ummm... I wanted it like Social Groups does it... Consistency... Text and Button. Better be redundant than irritating.
Whilst talking about shares, can I separately control sharing options appearing both below the event and in the sidebar?
Screen Shot 2018-09-04 at 11.11.16.png
@Mouth those are two different types. Under the event is social media sharing, in the sidebar is just for sharing throughout the forum. That’s in XF conformity.
@Mouth those are two different types. Under the event is social media sharing, in the sidebar is just for sharing throughout the forum. That’s in XF conformity.
Yes, I understood this. But I want to be able to turn-off/not-display the sidebar sharing feature as it's already under the event. The add-on has many other ACP options for the sidebar blocks, but not for this it appears. Probably have to do it via template edit.
But the sidebar sharing is not under the event... I think you are mistaken. Under the event it is only social (ecternal) sharing and in the sidebar it is only (internal – board wide) sharing.

Do you want to just disable the internal sharing widget in the event view then? It would be nice to have an option to just hide it like the other widgets. They are individually selectable to show or not to show.